teisipäev, 20. jaanuar 2009

Selle blogi lõpusissekanne

Mõtlesin, et paneks viimaseks postituseks "note to self: my goals in life". See on üks väike nimekiri, mille Ameerikas tegin, et oma soovidest ja suundadest paremat ülevaadet omada.
See peaks hõlmama pigem rohkem kui vähem ning on mingis osas ka juba täitunud. Loodan mõnikord siia tagasi tulla ja seda uuesti üle vaadata .)

note to self: my goals in life
Knowing and perfecting myself and the world around me
(not in a specific order, organized into blocks)

0)Being as good, open and understanding as I can be, every day and with
each individual (including animals, insects, plants etc).
Following my free will and being the master of my emotions = letting good emotions run wild, feeling sad when I want and banishing hatred, anger, jealousy and other primitive/useless emotions, by letting them go through me without affecting my actions or judgment.

1) Creating. Being a writer, playwriter, scriptwriter
visual (graphic) artist & painter, book illustrator, comic artist,
game artist & game designer (computer, card, tabletop & social games)
actor in and director of plays and movies
animated movie director & artist
experimental musician & singer

2) Various social projects and making the world a better place
by spreading & organizing information, projects, lectures etc.

3) Exploring the perfection of social relationships
having friends from all age groups (and many subcommunities),
seeing all layers & perspectives of life & world
close friendships
wild sex
warm love
extended & carefully crafted family systems (including being a good father and raising intelligent and kind children - if I decide to get them)

4) While doing all those things, trying to enjoy life as much as possible and seek wisdom and happiness. This goal is really about all the universal ways to have good time. A side note: I hold wisdom & happiness to be in fact the very meaning of life and to contain all smaller goals (being & doing good etc). Another side note: spiritual growth and awareness go hand in hand with this.
5) Living a long and healthy life
healthy eating, (including additional nutrients and other changes when needed)
seeking information about health & extending life
yoga, tai chi, gym workout, running and aerobics etc
keeping the mind sharp, performing mental excercises & regular self analysis etc
not taking unnecessary risks or risking health for hedonism, having enough resources and possibilities for medical help

Rohkem ma seda blogi edasi ei kirjuta, kuid loodetavasti kirjutan tulevikus veel mitmeid teisi blogisid. Aitäh lugemast & loodan, et oli inspireeriv.


3 kommentaari:

Danzumees ütles ...

Aitäh Sulle!
Ja loodetavasti jätkad siis kunagi mõne teise blogi lainel!

Helena ütles ...

Tänud Sulle! Kindlasti huvitav lugemine:) Saan aru, et olid ka exchange student siin. Võib Sinu poolt kohalikke koordinaatoreid OIP kontoris tervitada?:) Tõsiselt sõbralikud ja abivalmis tüübid!

Helena ütles ...

Tegelt sai kiiruga natuke puusse pandud - Heiki viitas mind sellele blogile, aga no ikkagi - tänud siis, et see olemas on - hea muljeid võrrelda:)